Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Reasonable Problem Solution Essay Steps

Reasonable Problem Solution Essay Steps Problem solution essay When you are assigned to write an original problem solution essay, it means that you need to identify a problem and offer its effective solutions. This paper may be written by high school and university students. Note that it is necessary to research the issue thoroughly to produce a work of top quality. You should provide sound arguments to explain why a particular solution to the faced problem is appropriate. You may also state compelling reasons for solving the problem urgently. Short Guide on Problem Solution Essay Writing Problem Solution Essay Structure You should start writing your paper with presenting the problem. For this reason, you should consider various problem solution essay topics and choose the most suitable ones. Then, you need to define the subtopics and write down the points that may be covered. Note that you should pick an impressive subject. In this case, it will be interesting to examine it. However, you should not select a broad topic as it may be hard to arrive at a good solution to the identified problem. Introduction to Problem and Solution Essay The introductory paragraph of your problem and solution essay should introduce the problem to readers. In addition, this section should provide users with general information about the issue. It is of fundamental importance to discover the causes of the problem. Moreover, you should emphasize that the discussed problem needs to be solved as the consequences may be rather negative. If any terms are going to be used in problem solution essays, they should be explained in the introduction as well. Problem Solution Essay Thesis The focus of the thesis of a problem solution essay depends on the posed problem. Thus, it may state that there is the only way out of the difficult situation. However, it may also insist on solving the problem quickly until it has led to the damaging consequences. Note that a thesis is usually written in one sentence. It should clearly present the central idea of the work. A thesis may be found in the introduction as well as in another part of the paper. What is a Problem Solution Essay Without a Properly Constructed Body? You need to organize the body of your work in appropriate way. It should propose effective solutions to the problem and provide their detailed description. In order to produce an explicit paper, you need to present the pros and cons of the offered solution. Are you going to state that there is only one feasible solution to the analyzed problem? Therefore, the body of the essay should provide relevant material about it and lead to a reasonable conclusion. Remember that your task is not only to arrive at a particular solution, but also show how it should be applied. At this stage, you may use a good paper example that will help you move on with your piece of writing. Concluding Paragraph toProblem Solution Essay When concluding your problem solution essay, you should appeal to readers to take part in the discussion. Thus, you should make readers help implement the proposed solution. You may also offer them to try to find the way out of the situation on their own. In order to make the conclusion more effective, you should describe the consequences the considered problem may lead to. If you write a fascinating work, it will interest readers for sure. They will definitely want to help solve the debated problem. Problem-Solution Essay Format A problem-solution essay is a common assignment in many high schools and colleges that is assigned to students with the purpose of checking their analytical and critical thinking skills. Giving the student such an assignment, the professor wants him/her to analyze the problem from different perspectives, as well as suggest the effective instruments for its solving. As the name suggests, the problem-solution essay aims to identify a problem and find out the most appropriate solutions accordingly. However, unfortunately, many students experience some difficulties with the problem-solution essay format finding it quite difficult to organize the essay in a way that satisfies the professor. If you also want to know how such an assignment should look like, just keep reading the following article. We have gathered the most effective tips that should help you become a better writer. Writing a problem-solution essay always starts with a good introduction in which the author identifies the problem, as well as emphasizes on is relevance. This part should engage the reader with some hook. It can be an interesting fact or a thought-provoking question. If you want to make an incredible effect by your essay, do not hesitate to tell the readers how the discussed problem influences them directly. The following part of your essay, the body, implies the elaboration of the problem. In this part, you have to analyze the problem from different perspectives including many meaningful details. From the historical perspective, try to mention what has caused this problem and analyze the way of its development. If you claim something, it should always be supported by the textual evidence. Indeed, the careful work with sources will help you get a few additional points. Just keep in mind that all your sources should be relevant to your topic and credible. When working with sources, do not hesitate to cite them properly in accordance with the formatting style required. We assure you that the citation, which is not formatted properly is considered as plagiarism. Without any doubts, the professor will never assess the plagiarized paper with the highest grade. All in all, the good quotes will add the value to your essay as they will help you write your paper in the trustworthy tone. As for the part with solutions, make sure to include the ones that will bring the positive outcome. No doubt, presenting a concrete solution to the problem mentioned previously, you will receive positive feedback from your readers. Noteworthy, your solution should be feasible, logical, and substantiated by the clear evidence. Finally, a problem-solution essay, like any other essay, needs to have a good conclusion, in which the writer should summarize the findings and present the scope for future research. A conclusion is a culmination of your research so you have to make it clear and concise. Be sure to name the solution or solutions necessary for proper addressing the problem mentioned in the introduction once again. When it comes to the problem-solution essay format, you may choose one of two possible options: a chain structure or a block structure. Indeed, no matter what type of organization you choose, each of them is equally effective. Many students claim that the block structure is easier to use since it is simpler and clearer. However, the chain structure shows what solution should be applied to the specific problem. As such, it is up to you what problem-solution essay format to choose to write a brilliant essay. Importance of Using Transition Words When Writing a Problem-Solution Essay Writing such an essay, many students tend to jump from one idea to another forgetting that the writing should be smooth and clear. Remember that all your ideas should be developed in the logical flow and follow the outline. To move from one problem or solution to another, you need to use the transition words. Utilize in addition, therefore, furthermore, alternatively, thus, besides, and some other words to help your reader follow your arguments without extra efforts. In conclusion, we assure you that to write a good problem-solution essay, you need to possess enough information about the problem discussed. There are many effective problem-solution essay examples available on the web. Using them as the source of inspiration, you will be able to create a truly good paper. Beware of submitting these papers, or even parts of them, since these pieces were already submitted by other students. Only writing a unique and authentic paper totally from scratch, you will be able to get the desired grades!Read Our Problem Solution Essay for Free

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lines and Angles in ACT Math Review and Practice

Lines and Angles in ACT Math Review and Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are several math topics that act as foundations for understanding ACT Math, even though there are not many questions specifically dedicated to the topic. This is most certainly the case for line and angle problems. Though it is rare to see a pure line and angle problem (without the addition of other geometric shapes), you’ll need to know just how lines and angles work and how to solve for all your missing measures before you can take on those more complex problems. This will be your complete guide to lines and angles on the ACT- what they are, how you’ll see them on the test, and how to solve these types of questions to maximize your points on test day. Properties of Lines and Angles Before we get into how lines and angles function, let’s define our terms. A line is a completely straight marker, meaning it has no curvature. It can either have termination points (and will be called a â€Å"line segment†) or go on infinitely. Its degree measure is always 180 °. Parallel lines are two or more lines that are a set distance apart (equidistant) and never meet. They travel in the same direction continuously. Perpendicular lines meet each other at 90 degree angles. An angle is the meeting of two lines. The measure of how they meet is expressed in degrees, and the point at which they intersect is called the angle’s â€Å"vertex.† Line and Angle Equalities Most of what you’ll need to know about lines and angles on the ACT is how to identify when and how they will be equal or supplementary to one another. Equal angles (or lines) are angles (or lines) that have the same measurement. Supplementary angles are angles that add up to 180 degrees. Because all these angles form a straight line and a straight line equals 180 degrees, the three angles are supplementary. Opposite Angles When two (or more) lines intersect, they form a series of opposite angles. Angles that are exactly opposite will always be equal to one another. Both sets of opposite angles will be equal. Opposite Interior Angles When there are two parallel lines that are crossed by another line (called a transversal), the angles on alternate interiors will be equal to one another. And the angles that are on the same side of the transversal line and the same side of their respective parallel lines will also be equal. That may be difficult to picture, so let’s look at a diagram: The marked angles are all congruent (equal) and the unmarked angles are all congruent. (Note: when you are told that two lines are parallel on ACT Math, the problem will almost always involve opposite interior angles in some way.) Now let’s look at an opposite interior angle ACT problem. Here, the test has made it slightly tricky by asking you for supplementary angles instead of equal ones. But the principle remains the same- we must identify angle measurements/equalities by using opposite interior angle equalities. We can see straight away that $x$ lies on a straight line with both 1 and 2, so angles 1 and 2 will be supplementary with $x$. We can also see that angles 1 and 10 are opposite interior angles and so will be equal to one another. And angle 9 is opposite angle 10 and thus will also be equal. This means that angle $1 = 2 = 9 = 10$ and all are supplementary to $x$. Finally, we can ignore the angles 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12, 13, 14, 15. Why? Because lines $c$ and $d$ are not parallel and so do not have opposite interior angle equalities. This means that $x$ is only supplementary to angles 1, 2, 9, 10. Our final answer is H. Equal lines and equal angles can be quite disorientingin the right hands. Typical Line and Angle Problems Almost every line and angle problem on the ACT is given to you as a diagram problem. You will be presented with a series of givens and then told to find a missing value of some kind. Almost always, this requires multiple steps and the use of multiple pieces of line/angle knowledge. The other notable feature of lines and angle problems on the ACT is that you will be given a â€Å"pure† line and angle problem very rarely. Most of them involve other geometric shapes in some way, most commonly triangles. The good news is that you will generally not need to know more than the fact that all the interior angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, but check out our guide to ACT triangles if you are unfamiliar with or unused to working with triangles. Now, we are told that two lines are parallel, so there’s a good chance we’ll need to use our opposite interior angle knowledge. With that in mind, let us expand the drawing we are given so that we can see our opposite interior angles more clearly. Using our opposite interior angles, we know that angle BAC is 82, which means that angle ACX must also be 82 degrees. We can also see that angles ACX and ACD make a straight line. Their sum must therefore be 180 degrees. $ACX + ACD = 180$ $82 + ACD = 180$ $ACD = 98$ We are also told that lines AE and CE are bisectors, which means they cut their respective angles exactly in half. This means that angle EAC = $82/2 = 41$ And angle ECA = $98/2 = 49$ Now, we also know that a the interior angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees, so we are able to find our angle measure AEC by: $AEC + EAC + ECA = 180$ $AEC + 41 + 49 = 180$ $AEC + 90 = 180$ $AEC = 90$ Our final answer is C, angle AEC is 90 degrees. As we said before, this question is representative of most line and angle problems you’ll see on the test. Based on your givens, you must use your knowledge of opposite interior angles (opposite interiors are equal) and your knowledge of the degree measure of a line (a line is 180 degrees) in order to put together all the clues and solve your problem. And yet, in addition to understanding the properties of lines and angles by themselves, you must also understand the basics of triangles. Because many ACT problems that involve lines and angles also use triangles, your knowledge of lines and angles should definitely be supplemented with triangle study. So don’t forget to brush up on your ACT triangles! Now let's check out our angle tips and tricks. Tips for Solving a Line and/or Angle Problem Most of the time, you must solve a line and angle question piece by piece in order to unlock the final solution. This means you must be careful and vigilant that you keep not only your facts and equalities straight, but your variables as well. As you go through this process, keep in mind these three tips: Tip 1: Write in your givens If you are given a diagram in which your givens are NOT written in, then write them in yourself! Sometimes, seeing the numbers on the page can make all the difference in the world between a difficult problem and an easy one. You’ll also be far less likely to mix up your numbers and variables if you keep your work on the page instead of in your head. Tip 2: Work from your givens to find the next puzzle piece Sometimes, it can be tricky to know where or when or in what order to work through a problem. Take a moment to find what you can before you worry about how to go forward. If you have opposite angles, write in the measure of the angle opposite your given. If you have angles that make a straight line, find the value of the missing variable. Immediately find the missing pieces that you can, and that bounty of information will often lead you straight to your solution. Tip 3: If necessary, use plugging in answers or plugging in numbers If you find yourself stuck (or there is literally no other way to solve the problem), then whip out your PIA or PIN knowledge. Sometimes the process can be slower than a straight solve, but these strategies will almost always get you where you need to go and so can be worth the extra seconds. Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Test Your Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers: C, J, B, B Answer Explanations: 1. This problem requires multiple steps, so definitely write in your angle measurements as you find them. In order to find out how many angles measure 50 degrees, we must find the measures of all our angles, so let's go through the process. To begin with, we can see that the 130 degree angle lies on a straight line, so its supplementary angle will be: $180 - 130 = 50$ degrees. Now, we also know that opposite angles are equal, so the angle opposite 50 degrees must also be 50 degrees. We also know that a triangle adds up to be 180 degrees and that our figure in the center is a triangle. So: $180 - 80 - 50 = 50$ degrees. This means that the missing value in our triangle is also 50 degrees. Again, we know that opposite angles equal one another, so the angle opposite this 50 degrees will also be 50 degrees. Based on opposite interior angle equalities, the full angle at the opposite 130 degrees will also be 130 degrees. Because the full angle is 130 degrees and part of it is made up of an 80 degree angle, which means that we can find the other angle by saying: $130 - 80 = 50$ And again, the angle opposite this 50 degree angle will also be 50 degrees. We can also see that the 80 degree angle, plus the 50 degree angle, plus one of the unmarked angles will equal 180 degrees, since they make up a straight line. So we can find the unmarked angle by saying: $180 - 80 - 50 = 50$ Finally, we can use opposite angle equalities to find the last unmarked angle. We have found all our angle equalities, so all that's left is to count how many angles are equal to 50 degrees. There are a total of 8, 50 degree angles. Our final answer is C, 8. 2. For this question, we must use our knowledge that both straight lines and the sum of the interior angles in a triangle equal 180 degrees. First, let us find the measure of angle $y$. Angle $y$ makes a straight line with the 72 degree angle, so: $y + 72 = 180$ $y = 108$ Now, we can use the same process to find angle $x$, which forms a straight line with the 57 degree angle. $x + 57 = 180$ $x = 123$ Now, let us find angle $z$ by first finding the third, unknown, angle in the triangle (which we will call angle $a$). The interior angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, so: $a + 57 + 72 = 180$ $a + 129 = 180$ $a = 51$ Now, let’s use that angle to find $z$. The two angles make a straight line, so their sum will be 180. $a + z = 180$ $51 + z = 180$ $z = 129$ (Note: you may notice that the sum of the two non-adjacent interior angles of the triangle is equal to the exterior angle. This is not a coincidence and is in fact one of the many rules of triangles. But don’t worry about having to memorize this rule- you can always find the exterior angles using the properties of straight lines just how we did!) Now, we must find the sum of angles $x, y,$ and $z$, so let’s add our values together. $108 + 123 + 129$ $360$ Our final answer is J, 360. 3. Here, we are dealing with several bisecting angles. This means that the angles are cut exactly in half. This means that angle ABD = DBE and angle DBE = EBC. And because DBE is equal to both ABD and EBC, it means that angles ABD and EBC are also equal. This means that we have three equal angles, all making one line. And we know a line equals 180 degrees, so: $x + x + x = 180$ $3x = 180$ $x = 60$ Each angle measure is 60 degrees, which means that angle DBE is 60 degrees. Our final answer is B, 60 degrees. 4. We can see that angle BAC is part of a triangle. And we know that we need two angle measures of a triangle in order to determine the third. But we can also see that the 45 degree angle is opposite one of our unknown interior triangle angles. Because opposite angles are equal, this means that our second unknown interior angle of the triangle is 45 degrees. We now have two angle measures of the triangle, so let us find the measure of BAC. $BAC + 35 + 45 = 180$ $BAC + 80 = 180$ $BAC = 100$ Measure BAC is 100 degrees. Our final answer is B, 100 degrees. These problems require multiple steps, but the process is often simpler than it looks. So don't tire yourself out prematurely. The Take-Aways The trickiest aspect about line and angles questions is the fact that they require multiple steps and several different numbers and measurements. It can be easy to mix-up your solutions and your work due to careless error, so make sure you take steps to avoid doing so. Remember your equalities, keep your work organized, and do your best to avoid careless errors. Once you’ve locked down lines and angles, you will be well equipped to take on the more and more complex geometry problems the ACT will throw at you over the course of the test. What’s Next? Now that you've learned all about your lines and angles, make sure you're up to speed on the rest of your must-know math topics and formulas for the ACT. Look to our ACT Math tag for all of our guides to ACT Math, including ratios, solid geometry, and more. Studying last minute? Check out our tips for making your time count before test day. Running out of time on the ACT math section? Make sure you review how to buy yourself extra time as you go through your test. Looking to get a perfect score? Perfection is far from unobtainable, so check out our article on how to get a 36 on ACT Math, written by a perfect scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing People, Finance and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing People, Finance and Marketing - Essay Example There may be organization-wide changes such as mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, leadership changes, and changes in technology. There may be the upsizing, downsizing and resizing that force organizations to change, and in some cases almost daily (Joyce, 2005). There are also changes needed in the culture of organizations or the way they do things. History is replete with many organizations changing for the better and organizations that did not and were doomed to failure in some parts of their history (Waldera, 2002). American Express. American Express, for example, had announced organization and management changes in mid- 2005. The reasons given were that changes were driven by several key developments including: the rapid growth of their Global Network Services (GNS) business in the United States and around the world; the expansion of their worldwide merchant network; the broader long-term relationships they are developing to build business with their merchant partners; and the recent entry of the Travelers Cheque business into the prepaid card arena ("American Express," 2005). Their company, they said, is in an excellent position. They would like to further strengthen their long-term position and propel the new American Express into the ranks of the most successful and most admired companies in the world ("American Express," 2005). IBM Integrated Supply Chain. ... IBM is not unique; its supply chain considerations impact upon many organizations as they attempt to find integrated solutions to complex problems. However, within IBM, this transition, which has affected organizational structure and alignment, process, and IT support, has not been without its problems. The drive to shift from a Functional to a Process control alignment has required a shift in the mindset of the organizations employees (McLaughlin, Paton & Macbeth, 2006). The IBM, as an organization needed to be able to develop flexible end-to-end (E2E) processes that can be "tweaked" and modified to meet changes in customer demand, product availability and overall performance. Performance to them is not simply down to the implementation of elaborate IT systems, but requires the alignment of key personnel in an understanding of the knowledge management aspects relating to the E2E processes. This required management to think about how the business operates from a process, as opposed to a function, perspective (McLaughlin, Paton & Macbeth, 2006). Hewlett Packard. Adizes (1988) postulated that as companies go through various life-cycle stages, their cultures need to change in order to adapt to different business challenges. Rigid adherence to a set of cultural norms can foretell disaster, especially in rapidly changing market conditions (Waldera, 2002) Consider the fate of a non-renewing organization as defined by Waldera (2002). The "HP Way" guided the success and development of this premier technology company since its inception in 1939. However effective the "HP Way" culture was in guiding the company's growth during the first fifty years of its history, it began

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health causes of stress Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health causes of stress - Annotated Bibliography Example udying in detail different kinds of healthy stressors from various perspectives, and in supporting our hypothesis that healthy stressors are in a way useful for human body. The authors, researchers at the Biological Psychiatry Branch, Bethesda, used data to study the effects of healthy stressors by analyzing the happy and sad responses by 11 healthy women when they were made to recall happy and sad occurrences in their lives. The participants were scanned by using PET and H2(15)O. Although the number of participants was limited, the results they found correlated with their hypothesis that healthy causes of stress produced significant changes in their brain regions which defined their emotional state. These changes included great reductions in cortical rCBF, right prefrontal and bilateral temporal-parietal regions. This research will be helpful in demonstrating how healthy stressors affect the brain activity and what regions of brain undergo changes during the course of remembering and undergoing positive causes of stress. The author of this article has very successfully provided some very good information regarding stress management with special focus on positive stressors. He has listed some examples of healthy causes of stress like marriage, job interview, starting college, childbirth, and buying a large ticket item. The author has raised an important point that it is our perception of stress that makes a stressor a good or a bad one. Changing our perception can convert a bad stressor into a positive one. The author gives the example of losing a job which might seem as a disaster but it may be perceived as a healthy stressor when one thinks about other opportunities. The article is well organized, easy to understand, and considerable detail has been given describing each positive stressor, which will be quite helpful in conducting our research. In this periodical, the author has emphasized upon the importance of healthy stressors and states that a little

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The American Pursuit of Happiness Beyond US Borders Essay Example for Free

The American Pursuit of Happiness Beyond US Borders Essay In recent times, more and more Americans are immigrating to countries like Canada and Australia in a spirited search of the American Dream. Catalysts for this recent trend are tied largely to the American economic crisis which has been afflicting Americans for quite some time. The incredibly high levels of crime in the United States have also influenced Americans to pursue happiness beyond U. S. borders. Countries like Canada and Australia demonstrate lower rates of crime than the United States and that seems to resonate with most Americans. Another convincing factor towards emigration is the high cost of healthcare in the United States compared to some of the government-funded healthcare systems around the world. All of these dynamics are deeply valued in American society and are seen as worth chasing. I believe emigration towards countries that promote economic stability, low crime rates and socialized healthcare is the ideal thing to do for U. S. citizens in search of these pursuits. America is experiencing a high unemployment rate, large income gaps and an evident lack of growth for the working middle class due to the modern economic crisis and this is swaying Americans to search for jobs in foreign countries. According to Trading Economics and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the percentage of unemployed Americans is 8. 3% as of January, 2012. This fares out higher than the Canadian unemployment rate which is at 7. 6% and especially elevated compared to the Australian unemployment rate which is 5. 1% (Trading Economics). Also, the latest studies show that mobility between classes in the United States is less apparent than in other countries due to the large American poor class and the tall demand U. S. employers place on the need for college degrees from prospective employees (DeParle). It has become clear to me that the opportunities needed to develop into a successful and effective worker can be found, with less effort, in a foreign country. The United States has a ghastly reputation of having some of the highest crime rates in the world including considerable quantities of violent offenses. As indicated by the Disaster Center and the F. B. I. Uniform Crimes Report, in 2010 the United States had over ten million reported criminal offenses and over one million of them were violent crimes. This measures up much higher than Canada’s crime rates which in 2009 were reported at just over two million criminal offenses (Rodriguez). What is dumbfounding is the significant difference in violent offenses which was under four-hundred and fifty thousand (Rodriguez). That is less than the amount of aggravated assaults in the United States in 2010 which totaled over seven-hundred and seventy-five thousand (Disaster Center). The pursuit of happiness certainly entails residing in a safe and sound country and the evidence points towards the land beyond U. S. borders. There is very little the American people treasure more than their health, but with healthcare prices soaring to astronomical heights, it has become difficult to acquire the necessary coverage that Americans need. Statistics show that Americans pay over fifty percent more on premiums per capita for health care over other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which includes, among others, Canada and Australia (Med Health Insurance). Canadian citizens benefit from publicly funded healthcare coverage without the need to consider their income or medical history (Canadian Health Care). In Australia, the government is primarily responsible for healthcare funding by covering roughly seventy percent of medical costs (Australian Law Reform Commission). The peace of mind gained by having a socialized government funded health care plan is invaluable and a worthy basis for emigration from the United States. The American Dream is sought after by all Americans and comprises of several key principles. A primary principle is social and financial stability through employment and mobility. The second standard is the sense of security brought on by reduced crime rates and a reduced amount of violent crimes in particular. A final and yet crucial ideal for those in pursuit of happiness is the sense of tranquility acquired through a government-financed healthcare plan. All of these standards cannot be met within the United States, but they can be attained in countries like Canada and Australia. I consider it imperative for Americans to search for these ideals across American boundaries through the act of emigration. I encourage U. S. citizens to think outside this country.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Institutions Essay -- essays research papers

The Military Social Institution is one of the three Primary Social Institutions. The military was initially established to help protect, as well as unify a country, but since it’s development, it’s done so plus more. The Military as a social institution has led to domination and conquering of sorts, while trying to balance morals and justifications. Since the military is run by the government, it can be assumed that not only does this institution try to control and rationalize, but also continue to boil over into much of the other institutions. The Economic Social Institution is another one of the three Primary Institutions. The hold that the economy plays on a societies life is overwhelming to say the least. With the Economy being one of the biggest influences on social interaction in today’s society, it is understandable why we have used it as a foreground in which we continue to build on. With wealth and development growing due to an economies strong hold on society, we seem to always use that as one of our bases for happiness. Without the Economic Social Institution, the socialistic structure would always lean to domination and political stature, rather then the wealth or development in which we (as a society) would grow. The Political Social Institution is one of the three Primary Institutions. With society being ran by a higher authority, and not by the â€Å"norms†, it is considered only natural to follow the authorities orders. The Political Structure that takes place in a society is often construed as being chosen by the followers, much like a democracy, when in fact it is hardly ever the case. With society focused on its own growth and maturity, sometimes we neglect the power of the individuals in charge, and only see a false image of our government. With that being said, it is that very reason that the Political Institution is considered a primary one. We (society) would like to think of the government and the political structure as being cooperative and convenient at its disposal, but the truth of the matter is that often the imperfections of our society are much related to the government that we â€Å"chose†. The Family Social Institution is a Secondary Institution. Because of â€Å"Family Life† being much a part of â€Å"today’s society† and also a way of living, it can be said that this type of lifestyle is undoubtedly a reason for planning right. Socie... ...he/she has as compared to themselves. As for societies who do not have the benefits of recent medicine, they are looked at as the outcasts and UN-stabilized. The Mass Media Social Institution is a Secondary Social Institution. The power of media, any sort, or any kind; is undeniable. Within a culture, or society, everyone has at one time or another been faced with some time of advertisement, or propaganda. Even if you never purchased the item, you were still faced with the issue of â€Å"should I try it, or not?† It’s stunning at how much we fall into a trap when dealing with the media’s influence on a society’s particular way of thinking. The Media can turn a murder trial, into a televised event, which can generate revenue, that shows how media can help out the economy, as well as openly test the law. Media has been around for centuries, and has always created a buzz in one way or another throughout a society, but the cunningness of it all is how society relies so greatly on media as our entertainment and pleasure. Society is constantly bombarded with ads and ideas that were generated to bring in revenue, whil e the society constantly succumbs to the pressure of the outside nature.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Himalayan Herders Reaction Essay

The film â€Å"Himalayan Herders† portrayed mountain pastoralists from Himalaya. This movie covered many points on the lifestyle of these indigenous people. This documentary styled film covers many aspects of ethnography. This ranges from religion, to death ceremonies. This video did a very good job of portraying these people and it was very ethnographic about it. As far as ethnography is concerned, this film is full of it. This group of people is considered pastoralists. This means that they like to remain in one area. Also, they are farmers and herders. An example of this is how potatoes are the staple of their diet. An example of how they are herders includes how they raise Zomo, which are cows in combination with yaks. This is because theses pastoralists use the milk of a cow for many things but live at higher altitudes, which yaks can handle. There is definitely a division of labor among the genders. The women are responsible for tending to the Zomo, milking them and making butter from the milk. The women also have help from the children. While the children are helping, they are also learning how to tend the Zomo for future responsibilities. Essentially the only responsibility the men have in regards to the Zomo is taking them out to feed, while the women have to take the time to milk them, churn butter, and make cheese. Something else that men are responsible for however includes creating objects and art out of color dyed butter for a ceremony called the Nara. Men also have the responsibility of performing the rituals at the Nara. Another aspect of pastoralist culture covered here was their economic system. For a while, the mountain pastoralists of the Himalayas didn’t use a coin or paper form of currency. More often than not, grain was considered currency. Grain could be traded for tools and useful things for the group. More recently however, coin currency has been used. Coin currency can be traded for sheep and vica-versa. Sheep are another important part of their lives. Sheep were of course used for their wool and the women had the responsibility to turn the wool into textiles to be worn or for other uses. The wool was turned into a yarn like string by hand, by tightening it up. After that, the women used a series of sticks and intricately created fabric which was its useable form. The point of view of this film is in the form of a narrator. A narrator educates the viewers on the day to day lives of these people with the occasional interview-style scene which would include an individual from this particular society speaking about an aspect of it. With this style, we get to hear about what the people within the group think and how they feel about certain topics. I don’t believe the narrator is biased because it seems to me that they have done a lot of studying this society and instead of giving opinions, is giving generalizations and genuine facts. I believe that the people that where studied would generally give us the same information the narrator provided. This is because, as stated above, the narrator is essentially just sticking to the facts and presenting to us in the same way the individuals in the group would. If anything, this film shows empathy. The narrator shows no sign of feeling sorry for this group when he talks and is just presenting the information for us to perceive. The narrator seems to have an understanding of the culture and does not show resentment in the least bit. After watching the film, I don’t dislike the group either; however, I also wouldn’t say I admire them. I feel indifferent towards them. They are going about their lives, surviving the way they know how to and the way that was taught to them which is respectful. It would be very easy for them to just stop and let technology do everything for them like we do here but they carry on living simple lives. In all honesty, I suppose I feel respect for them. I believe it would be fantastic to live a simple life and really only have to worry about what daily tasks lie ahead of you. Although it would be nice, it would also be nearly impossible for someone in our culture such as me to just drop everything and go move into a mountain. This culture is honestly not a lot like my own. In my society we shop in grocery stores whereas in this culture they basically make everything they use from scratch. It’s hard to find a similarity except a little bit in the death ceremony. In the death ceremony, the dead is put into a wooden box where no spirits can enter. When someone in America is buried, this is also done in a wooden box but a much more intricate one. The school system is also much different. There is barely a school system there. If I’m not mistaken, a school system is a very new concept for them where here, school is life. In conclusion, this film did a great job of describing the mountain pastoralists of the Himalayas. It was very ethnographic and covered many aspects of their culture. The narrator also did not appear to have any biases. That is a huge part of learning about a society. It is always best to have a narrator that just relays information to you and then cut to a scene of an individual within the group talking about it. That way, we could get a better scope of their lives. All in all, this film did a great job educating everyone who has viewed it about the life and culture of these specific pastoralists.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discrimination Essay Essay

Discuss this statement in relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values of managers. This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies held by Anglo-Saxon Australians. It will then examine the human resource practices and the selection process, highlighting the discrimination that occurs due to the unrealistic and unnecessarily high standards of recruitment criteria and specifications laid out by managers for candidates. Finally it will address the impact and influence that the managers values can have upon the recruitment criteria and the final selection made. Discrimination has long been a likely occurrence during the recruitment process, becoming a major problem throughout Australian society. Dating back through Australia’s history we have continually seen society empirically group people according to their country of origin and culture. The idea of ethnocentrism has surfaced as a result of the pre-existing culture of intolerance of cultural difference. As Ho and Alcorso demonstrate, ‘Australian employers and local workers in the post-war decades had a clear interest in utilizing a workforce that was not only ethnically distinguishable from the local workforce but also considered to be largely unskilled and little educated’ (2004, p. 254). The reluctance that many employers have in their willingness to recruit migrants and those of ethnic backgrounds, as a result of a pre-disposition held, is seen consistently in the workplace and is reflected in the long-term. As Wooden notes, ‘differences in pay, occupational status and probability of employment’ between migrants and people of ethnic background, in comparison to Anglo-Saxon Australians ‘reflects differences in the average productive capabilities of the two groups’ (1994, p. 220; cited in Ho and Alcorso, 2004, p. 239).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Effect of Import Liberalization on Industrial Productivity

Effect of Import Liberalization on Industrial Productivity Free Online Research Papers There are reasons to expect a favorable effect of import liberalization on industrial productivity. This is expected to occur through several channels: (a) Import liberalization will provide to industrial firms greater and cheaper access to imported capital goods and intermediate goods (embodying advanced technology), which will enable the firms improve their productivity performance; (b) Greater availability of imported intermediate goods will enable the firms to exploit better the productivity enhancing potential of imported technology; (c) The increased competitive pressure on industrial units in a liberalized import regime will force them to be more efficient in the use of resources (which can be achieved through better organization of production, improved managerial efficiency, more effective utilization of labour, better capacity utilization, etc.); (d) The increased competitive pressure coupled with expanded opportunities for importing technology and capital goods will bring greater technological dynamism in industrial firms; (e) As the competitive business environment forces inefficient firms to close down, the average level of efficiency of various industries should improve; (f) Greater access to imported inputs and a more realistic exchange rate associated with a liberalized trade regime would enable industrial firms compete more effectively in export markets. This would allow them to increase their sales and reap economies of scale with concomitant gains in productivity. Evidently, there are persuasive theoretical arguments for contemplating a positive effect of import liberalization on industrial productivity. However, this view or hypothesis does not have a strong empirical support. There have been a number of empirical studies for developing countries, including the countries of Asia, in which econometric models have been estimated to assess the effect of import liberalization on industrial productivity. Some of them have found a significant favourable effect of import liberalization on industrial productivity. But, some have found no significant effect, while some others have found an adverse effect of import liberalization on industrial productivity. Thus, on the whole, the empirical evidence on the relationship between import liberalization and industrial productivity in developing countries is mixed and no definite conclusion can be drawn. As regards Indian industry, there are two recent studies, which have examined the effect of economic refo rms on industrial productivity. These are by Krishna and Mitra (1998) and Balakrishnan, Pushpangadan and Suresh Babu (2000). Both studies have used firm- level data taken from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) database. Also, there is similarity in the method of econometric analysis applied in the two studies. But, the studies come up with conflicting results. Krishna and Mitra find evidence of a significant favourable effect of reforms on indus trial productivity. Balakrishanan et al., on the other hand, find an adverse effect of economic reforms on industrial productivity. One serious limitation of both studies is that they have not used explicit trade liberalization variables in the econometric model estimated. Rather, a dummy variable approach has been taken to distinguish between the pre- and post-reform periods. This study differs from the studies undertaken by Krishna and Mitra (1998) and Balakrishnan, et al. (2000) in several respects. The analysis of productivity is undertaken at the industry- level rather than at the firm- level. The source of data is also different.More important, an attempt is made here to incorporate explicitly variables representing trade liberalization in the econometric model estimated. Research Papers on Effect of Import Liberalization on Industrial ProductivityDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office System

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Conflict of Northern Ireland essays

Conflict of Northern Ireland essays Violence and terrorism took 3636 lives and injured 36,000 people between 1966 and 1999 as the conflict of Northern Ireland spread beyond its borders and into England and elsewhere (Sussman, CNN). The persistent troubles in this region stem from religious and political differences between Irish Catholics and immigrant Protestants. The decades of protest and bloodshed have been stalled as an uneasy ceasefire has been maintained. Insight to the conflict in Northern Ireland can be approached through the historical and geographical background, analysis and actions of each position, and a discussion of the peace process and potential solutions. Northern Ireland, a province of the United Kingdom, occupies the northeastern portion of the island of Ireland. It is bounded by the Republic of Ireland, the Irish Sea, the North Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. It is inhabited by approximately 1.6 million Irish Catholics and Protestant immigrants of England and Scotland, according to a 1998 census (Britannica). Catholic Ireland had been under English rule from the 12th century to 1920. Significant events that shaped the history of Ireland include the Plantation of 1609 in which the Gaelic province of Ulster (area now known as N. Ireland) fell to Protestant culture, and the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. This battle was fought between two kings, James II and William of Orange, both of whom laid claim to the British throne. James was an Irish Catholic who controlled much or Ireland. William of Orange was a Dutch Protestant who claimed the throne of Great Britain in 1689. William defeated James II in Ireland and took control of the Ireland and the throne. Laws were quickly enacted by the all-Protestant Parliament which cut off wealth and education to Catholics by barring them from such things as holding office positions, owning land and schooling. The Act of Union in 1801 created the United Kingdom which officially united Great Britain ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Zara clothing company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Zara clothing company - Essay Example Zara remains the most competitive fast fashion company globally, the latest profit forecasts amounting to $3billion dollars as Burberry following suit at a total of $2.5billion. Further, the study reveals on the sole managerial and production strategies liable to the company’s current position in the fashion industry. The company’s competitive and innovative strategies denote the key to success despite the challenges that the company meets from close competitors, for example, H&M, Burberry, and Armani. ... The report establishes the macro and micro elements of evaluating progress in Zara and the appropriate steps to measure and ascertain the future outcomes. Zara remains the most competitive fast fashion company globally, the latest profit forecasts amounting to $3billion dollars as Burberry following suit at a total of $2.5billion. Further, the study reveals on the sole managerial and production strategies liable to the company’s current position in the fashion industry. The company’s competitive and innovative strategies denote the key to success despite the challenges that the company meets from close competitors, for example, H&M, Burberry, and Armani. The recommendations serve as strategic approaches that are viable to recuperate the company’s dwindling strategies in the internal and external environments. The report stipulates the adaptive characteristics that seem appropriate in resolving Zara’s challenges in order to achieve goals and objectives, and curb the craving threat of competitors and other market variables. The conclusions reveal the process upon which Zara amassed strategies and dominated a competitive edge. Further, an evaluation of the tactics reveals a number of prevailing loopholes in the product mix that may affect the company’s long-range plans and objectives. Introduction The Spanish fashion company Founded in the year 1975 remains to be the most competitive fashion company in production of affordable clothing for the female and male youthful genders. The founder, Amancio Ortega established the company with the intentions of diversifying investments throughout the Spanish nation, to ensure an effective to the youthful clients (Temporal, 2011, p.56).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Wine - Essay Example lending the labeling process is undertaken, packaging and labeling changes over time and also will depend on the market, shapes of bottling, the cork and the label style. For example the Asian consumers prefer gold labels. The process of producing a single barrel bourbon involves mixing several barrel to achieve a uniform mixture, they are then stored in a warehouse and these barrels are checked regularly, over time the best part of the warehouse produces high quality whiskey and these barrels are allowed to mature for a longer period, when they mature they are bottled one barrel at a time. Aberfeldy is a single malt scotch whisky made in the highland region, it was founded in 1896 by John Dewar, 12 years old single malt that has a deep gold color and has a heather honey and Seville orange taste. Balvenie is a single malt whiskey founded by William Grant in 1886, 10 year whiskey and has the following characteristics: it is medium golden straw in color, honey and oak taste traces, smooth and medium dry. Caol Ila is a single malt whiskey founded by Hector Henderson in the year 1846, it is age ranges from 12 to 25 years and has the following characteristics: pale straw color, sweet and slight acidity but pleasant taste and has a sweet Smokey